Welcome to Marc’s On The Grill!
Are you a fan of low and slow? The Big Green Egg is the way to go! Burgers? I mean giant, stuffed 80/20, grease everywhere burgers. Well, they are best on the Charbroil Infrared Grill. Turkey? Rib roast….leg of lamb….Grandmas Sunday ham? Those are jobs for the Big Easy Oil-less Fryer. What about a cowboy breakfast? Italian sausage? How about pancakes …big ones, big enough that you need a shovel to flip them? Then choose the Blackstone Griddle.
This entire amazing cast of outdoor cooking equipment lives in my backyard. They take care of my family and me. They entertain, attract conversation, and beckon friends and neighbors. They overhear every secret, every plan. They are an integral part for every party, every birthday, every business meeting, every romantic dinner. These cooking buddies never let me down. Side note….My lady’s idea of a romantic dinner is one of those pulled pork sandwiches that jostle me out of bed….how fantastic is that!
This is what I do. I find the products that make cooking exactly what it is supposed to be: fun, inventive, experimental. I work with them until they show me their secrets. I cook enough on them to learn and then trust all they have to offer.
The magic of outdoor BBQ grilling is figuring out the perfect sweet spot on a Komodo grill damper that levels its temperature to an unwavering 225 degrees. It’ll fight you, I promise….but I’ll show you how to win. The $80 brisket weighing 19 pounds and which you dedicated the last 21 hours is now the reason you will get an honorable mention in people’s annual Christmas letters.
It’s knowing how to utilize the heat and height of your charcoal or gas grill racks to finally get your chicken to look like that darn picture in the cookbooks! You need to be sure of the timing on pulling that turkey out. …. (And don’t even think about cutting into it for at least 45 minutes). Try waking up the whole neighborhood with the best outdoor cowboy breakfast without every breaking a yoke.
What a beautiful, mesmerizing, physics-defying sight when you cut into a 4-inch thick baseball filet mignon, past the crust, that gives even the best steak knives a fight, and then into the pink that looks like it was painted on from edge to edge (got 18 hrs?). I don’t cook whole pigs, I don’t drive around with a giant smoker hooked up to the back of my car and for the most part, I’m guessing neither do you.
I’m a guy that got lucky. I get to do what so many of us love to do, grill in my backyard. What’s the best part? I get to share my love and passion for the food I cook with people through national television in countries around the world. I am a product expert, a grill master a writer, an actor, and a celebrity chef. Believe it or not, none of that translates into the flavor of my food. Those are nothing but role titles. They pay the bills but the only role that really matters are those of being a dad, husband, son, and good friend. If you believe as I do that you show love through food, then I hope you will share all of this with those who mean the most to you.
Now you know the secret of changing meals into memories and I invite you to join us. You’ll pick up a tip here and there, sure. Maybe you’ll see a product you just have to try, but more importantly, you’ll figure out how to get your grill to tell you its secrets, and from the very first bite, your family and friends will know there’s a big difference.
“I’m a guy that got lucky. I get to do what so many of us love to do, grill in my backyard. What’s the best part? I get to share my love and passion for the food I cook with people through national television in countries around the world.”
What People are Saying
“A Great Find”
“Came to watch the video on the Blackstone grill and I’m hooked!”
“Fun for the whole family”
“Not many shows you can watch with your family these days, great watch! “
“Great Review!”
“Wonderful review from start to finish to get a true feeling for the grill! “